Friday, May 31, 2019
One of the Greatest Concerts Ever :: Music Bands Essays
One of the Greatest Concerts EverIt was a cold windy day in late November. The sky was blue, but the air power had achill to it. It was a typical Colorado fall day. My friends and I stood in a circle lightly bouncing trying to keep ourselves warm. It has incessantly been our tradition to get to an arena at least an hour before a concert starts and wait for the doors to open. This day was no different we refused to let the digest break our tradition. We ended up paying for it because our nose and cheeks began to turn rosy red and our fingers and toes were going numb. When the doors to the arena finally opened we all breathed a sigh of relief and rushed inside to warm up.Inside the arena, the excitement of all the fans could be felt. People were talkingabout how much they liked the bands that would be performing, and many were amazedto be there because it was their first concert. Many other people also seemed to be doingthe pre-concert ritual which is seen at many concerts, and that is getting as much beerin them as possible. Everyone seemed to be having a good time preparing for the concertahead. The arena was separated into two different members the reserved seating sectionwhich goes all along the arena and then the general admission section which is all alongthe account of the arena closest to the coif. My friends and I were on the floor this is our traditional spot and seems to be where all of the action takes place. This is where people mosh in the mosh pits and fans can try and get as close to the stage as possible. Not only is being on the floor the liveliest and most fun spot to be, it is also the most dangerous.People will begin moshing and pasture into the rest of the crowd, and many fights will breakout because people want to get as close to the stage as possible. Being a smaller girl is a huge disadvantage at a concert like this. It is really easy to get pushed and sometimes it is hard to see oer other people because they are taller. My friend s and I were as close to the stage as we could get and we were having a great time listening to the band perpetrate Company.
Various religions Essay -- essays research papers fc
Throughout the Hindu and Christian religion various rituals are performed by followers. These rituals allow the followers to celebrate in their beliefs. The most ordinary practice performed in almost every religion is prayer and or meditation. Prayer and meditation allow followers to come together and praise a God or gods. Hinduism has commonly been viewed as a polytheistic religion, one that worships multiple deities gods and goddesses, while Christianity is a Monotheistic tradition. Hindus believe in the repetitious transmigration of the soul. This is the raptus of ones soul after death into another body. This produces a continuing cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth through their many lifetimes. Karma is the accumulated sum of ones good and noxious deeds. Karma determines how you will live your next life. Through pure acts, thoughts and devotion, one can be reborn at a higher level. Hindus practice yoga as a form of meditation. Yoga is a learn for achieving psychological, mental, and spiritual isolation form ordinary reality. The act of meditation involves eight steps. The first being restraint control. This ethical discipline should lead to inner detachment. The second step is observance, the devotion to the god of ones choice. Posture, breath control, abstraction of the senses, concentration, and deep meditation are the last a couple of(prenominal) steps. The yoga discipline seeks escape or release from the world and fr...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers
In today society, many people like to follow the current. They want to catch the wave. Which mean, it does not matter if things were good or bad, right or wrong, they just follow and do them without any thinking. Therefore, there are not too many people would like to be a normal, thoughtful nor neutral person. However, in the novel, The Great Gatsby, by Scott Fitzgerald, one of the character name is Nike Carroway, he was the good and neutral narrator. It was because, in the novel, he analyzed exclusively of the things with regard to accuracy of observation.In The Great Gatsby, when Mr.Gatsby told Vick he wantedto return the past over again with his lover- Daisy, Nike Carroway warned him to give it up, because it was impossible. Unforturately, Mr.Gatsby was not believe it. So at the end, Mr.Gatsbys dreaming still had not came true because Daisy did not break up with Tom and go with him. It can be seen in the last chapter on the novel, when Gatsby was murder, Daisy went to somewhere else with her husband, and did not go to Gatsbys funeray.I called up Daisy half an hour after we found him, called her instinctively and without hersitation. But she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon, and taken luggage with them.Therefore, Nike Carroways analysis was right by these clear observation. However, Nike Carroway is a good narrator, he sees everything happen and does not trust everybody easily. So during the people discuss about something at a time, he does not believe it is true. After he proves it, he will accept the truth.Moreover, when Nike went to Gatsbys party, there is a drunk lady telling everyone Gatsby killed a man before.Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once.Also, there is one more(prenominal) lady said that Gatsby was a German spyIt is more that he was a German spy during the war.Nike heard it, but when Nike had a chance to have a lunch with Gatsby, he told Nike, he was an Oxford man and denominate him that fought in World War One. The n Nike knew Gatsby was not a German Spy nor a murderer.Furthermore, at the end of the novel, when Daisy drove Gatsbys car and killed Mrs.Wilson in a car accident, Nikes first though Gatsby killed Mrs.Wilson. But after Gatsby told him all of the things at that moment, then Nike was thinking and discuss between Gatsby and Toms speaking, and make his own conclusion.
Developing an eBusiness :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Developing an eBusinessOur ( ) is a database of men, women and children who are interested in modeling assignments in the Pittsburgh and surrounding areas. Some are professional models and others are either looking to make some extra m maviny doing promotional work or are hoping to be discovered. serves as an go-between between agencies and aspiring models. The actual service we are selling works both ways. We are providing aspiring models with a hassle-free approach to becoming discovered eyepatch providing local anaesthetic modeling agencies with access to aspiring models, thus granting them more moving-picture show. Referral fees and contract negotiations bequeath be our major sources of revenue, and advertising on our web site will be our secondary source of is the only web site of its kind in the Pittsburgh Area. Although there are thousands of modeling web sites on the Internet where one can submit pictures and profiles in order to be considered for modeling, is different. We take into account that modeling is a very personal process, thus, our services are targeted for a local market, where we can build lasting relationships with our models and agencies. The fact that we are only working with aspiring models in the Western Pennsylvania area will make our line of merchandise and services very exclusive. Models that submit their profile onto our web site will be treated as individuals, not statistics, and since we are putting forth a personal approach with our models, they will have confidence and trust in generally accept men and women of all weights and heights as well as children of all ages. What most people dont realize is that there are modeling opportunities for everyone. Our potential customers are men, women, and children that are either professional models looking for more exposure , or aspiring models that want to give a shot at modeling. The fact that this is a hassle free environment, our primary customers will be aspiring models. On the other side of our business will be the local modeling agencies. We will work with all of the major agencies in Pittsburgh and guarantee them more exposure and access to models, in return for a referral fee and future contract negotiation fees.Each model has at least one picture and a profile which includes all of the models vital information as well as other information about availability, experience and interests.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Comparing Much Ado About Nothing :: essays research papers
In the first essay, written by Jean Howard, the main idea or thesis seems to focus on the antitheatrical aspects of the play. The actual thesis would be Shakespeare employs antitheatrical discourse in a way that advantages certain social groups without calling attention to the fact that it does that. Howard takes a Marxist approach to the play. She looks at how the conflict intertwines itself and makes a constant reference to the social aspects of each of the characters in the play. Howard starts by giving general ideas where she gives a brief summary of the main plot of the story that involves turn in behind, Don Pedro, and Claudio. She reads the play in relationship to antitheatrical tracts. This makes the political dimensions more apparent in the work. The play itself speaks to several different senses of social class. Although Much Ado approximately Nothing is a play, it mirrors the world as it was. It deals with the power being put in the hands of the "status quo" an d it makes mention of the social order, especially the fear of women who command the same power as men.Howard also mentions that the play seems to emphasize the consequences of sin, in this case, telling lies. She goes into the scene where Don John rifles Margaret, Heros servant, to play Hero as so to deceive Claudio. This would make Hero appear to be "easy" and make Claudio not want to marry her. Before all of this goes on, Don Pedro impersonates Claudio at the ball, to get in Heros good graces. This is another lie. Even though Don Pedros "trick" does more good than harm, the audience and readers are now given the job to complete with the morality of each situation. Most of Howards reading of the play deals with the two impersonators (Don John and Don Pedro) and their sense of moral duty during this time. It also speaks to the social consequences of their practices. Howard suggests that Don John provides a moral reading because he is the chief antagonist in the p lay. She seems to say that in essence, he is evil and readers can identify and justify his actions because he is evil. Does that make it right? She also says that since he is the bastard brother of Don Pedro, his evil acts are ideologically significant because they identify the social disorder of those who throw away and those who have not.
Lord :: essays research papers
Roman Catholic Church History Basic SourcesGeneral Historiesdoubting Thomas Bokenkotter. A Concise History of the Catholic Church (revised and expanded edition). 1990. (BX945.2 .B64 1990) William J. Collinge. Historical Dictionary of Catholicism. 1997. (Reference BX945.2 .C65 1997) Michael Glazier and Thomas J. Shelley, editors. The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History. 1997. (Reference BX1406.2 .E53 1997) J. Derek Holmes and Bernard W. Bickers. A wretched History of the Catholic Church. "New Millennium Edition," 2002. (BX945.2.H63 2002) Hubert Jedin and John Dolan, editors. History of the Church. 1980 . (Reference and Stacks BR145.2 .J413 1980) Ten volumes volumes I, III, and IV are titled Handbook of Church History. New Catholic Encyclopedia (2nd edition). 2003. (Reference BX841 .N44 2003) Many articles on historical topics. Use the Index (Volume 15) to find where particular topics are treated.NOTE The content of the online Catholic Encyclopedia dates from 1913. Whil e it contains blue-chip historical information, readers should consult more current sources for updated scholarship. Online chronology Dates and Events in Catholic History, 1st Century to 10th Century and 11th Century to 20th Century from the Catholic Almanac Online. Return to topSaints LivesDavid Hugh Farmer. The Oxford Dictionary of Saints. 1997. (Reference BR1710 .F34 1997) Also available through Oxford Reference Online on all campus networked computers -- select "Religion and Philosophy." On the Internet Catholic Online Saints and AngelsButlers Lives of the Saints. New Full Edition, 1995. 12 volumes, one for each month of the year. (Reference BX4654 .B8 1995) Bert Ghezzi. Voices of the Saints A Year of Readings. 2000. (Reference BX4655.2 .G49 2000) Each brief biography includes "a substantial quotation by or about the saint, giving you a feel for what he or she was really like" (Introduction). Ferdinand Holbck. Married Saints and Blesseds Through the Centuries. 2002. (Reference BX4655.3 .H6413 2002) Kathleen Jones. Women Saints Lives of Faith and Courage. 1999. (Reference BX4656 .J66 1999) Richard P. McBrien. Lives of the Saints from Mary and St. Francis of Assisi to John twenty-three and Mother Teresa. 2001. (Reference BX4655.3 .M33 2001) In addition to the lives of holy women and men (both canonized and uncanonized), this volume includes articles on the politics of canonization and the differences between various schools of Christian spirituality. Joseph N. Tylenda, S.J. Jesuit Saints and Martyrs. twinkling edition, 1998. (Reference and Stacks BX3755 .T94 1998) Kenneth L. Woodward. Making Saints How the Catholic Church Determines Who Becomes a Saint, Who Doesnt, and Why.
Osama Bin Ladenââ¬â¢s Claimed Motivations for 9/11 are False Essay
Osama Bin stiffs Claimed Motivations for 9/11 argon FalseWhere did the animosity which lead to the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 originate? It is obvious at this point in time that the leader of the al Qaeda network, Osama bin smashed, was the maven behind the attacks, but the reasons why the attacks occurred and the fact that a small majority of people can support such acts remains very unclear. Osama bin squiffy stated in his February 1998 Fatwah, The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies- civilians and military- is an individual duty for every Muslim. When examining the three direct reasons given by Osama bin Laden to kill Americans his argumentation based on factual evidence veers far from the truth and his reasoning based on religion is non a true reflection of the Islamic religion thus creating an illogical argument. Osama bin Ladens reasons for killing Americans and their allies are insufficient in the sense that his claims about United lands motiva tions are wrong and that his justifications are not rooted in the Muslim religion. In looking specifically at each of Osama bin Ladens reasons their invalidity as well as, their true purpose, to create an uprising amongst his followers to succeed in his Fatwah, to kill Americans and their allies becomes apparent. Osama bin Laden refers to his reasons as facts. In his first fact he addresses the issue of the United States presence in Holy Middle Eastern places. He believes that the United States is there for the wealthiness and not only to harass Iraq, but other Muslim countries. Osama bin Laden must have forgotten that in Iraq invading Kuwait it was a breech of International Law and had that not happened the United States presence would not have r... ... Islamic countries. Bernard Lewis also raised an additional point that Osama bin Laden felt he had to fight the United States because there was no one else who could since the fall of the Soviet Union. Osama bin Laden has m ade such allegations against the United States not because they are true, but only to help him in his ultimate goal of proving to the World that the Islamic world can defend itself and that he is capable of it. He also made such allegations to try to unite the Islamic world in hopes that an Islamic state may rise. Works CitedAlexander, Yonah, and Swetnam, Michael S., Usama bin Ladens al-Qaida Profile of a Terrorist Network, Transnational Publishers, September 2001Bergen, Peter, Holy War, New York Free Press, 2001 Lewis, Bernard, The Revolt of Islam, The New Yorker, November 19. 2001Miller, Judith, Interview PBS, 2001
Sin in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown :: Young Goodman Brown YGB
Sin in Young Goodman Brown Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is an excellent short story from the 1800s. In this short story Hawthornes main character, Goodman Brown, goes out into the woods with the devil and is tempted by the devil each step of the way. In Young Goodman Brown, Hawthorne uses characters who are leaders of their familiarity and symbolistic settings to show that despite how prominent a person is he or she is capable of evil under the right conditions. Through the use of community leaders, Hawthorne shows that thither is evil in everyone. As Goodman Brown heads into the woods with the prince of darkness, he encounters several(prenominal) of his community leaders creating evil. First, he and Satan encounter Goody Cloyse, Goodmans spiritual consultant and former catechism teacher. After Goodman goes off among the trees, the devil and Goody have a conversation. Instantly, Goody recognizes him as the devil. Then Satan says, Then Goody Cloyse knows he r old adorer?1 The conversation later reveals Goody is a witch and is on her way to the Black Sabbath. Shortly afterwards, as Goodman was resting, deacon Gookin, Goodmans other spiritual advisor, walks by with a minister. He and the minister are talking about missing a church ordination dinner to attend the satanic gathering. The deacon says,Besides several of the Indian powwows, who, after their fashion know almost as much deviltry as the best of us, (311). The whole time Goodman is on the trail, he is committing sin. each step of the way, he is forsaking his god. He slowly succumbs to sin as the lord of the underworld coaxes him. At the meeting, when a voice screamed out, Bring forth the converts(315), Goodman move forward, accepting evil. Under the right settings, anybody is capable of evil. Using the right settings, Hawthorne creates symbolistic environments to make so called heavenly characters turn to evil. In the village of Salem, the villagers look up to Dea con Gookin and Goody Cloyse as highly spiritual people. The village of Salem is symbolistically any town or church, and Deacon Gookin and Goody Cloyse are the sinless leaders of the church. on the path in the woods, Goodman Brown watches the deacon and Goody committing sins and not grieving over their sins.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess by Robert Browning Essay -- Rober
Compare the two poems Porphyrias yellowish brown and My Last Duchess by Robert Browning. What do they reveal most attitudes to women and relationships in the nineteenth century?Robert Browning was one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century. In 1842, he published Dramatic Lyrics which included the two poems Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess. In Porphyrias Lover Browning dos the proofreader a dramatic insight into the twisted mind of an abnormally possessive passionatenessr, who wishes the moment of love to last forever. In this essay, Porphyrias Lover will be equald to Robert Brownings other dramatic monologue, My Last Duchess, where an Italian aristocrat reveals his cruelty to his new-fangled wife whilst showing off a portrait of her to one of his guests.Robert Brownings poems Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess were both written in the lay down of a dramatic monologue. Both poems show a similarity because they are both narrated from the male lovers point of view . As a result, the reader becomes more closely involved in the poems and can feel very strong emotions for the individuals portrayed than if the poem was written from the eye of an outsider. This form of write enables Browning to use irony, in which the real core is concealed or contradicted by the literal meanings of the words. For example, in My Last Duchess the Duke orders the death of his wife, though hides the true meaning in his words Much the same smile? This grew I gave commandsThen all smiles stopped together. My Last Duchess is also written in the form of a single stanza poem, which is the unit of a poem that consists of two or more lines of verse organised according to the content and form and usually repeated as a recurring pattern in the poem. By contrast, Porphyrias Lover does not follow this pattern, but has a different rhyming scheme. On the surface, the vote counters in each poem show completely different characteristics. In Porphyrias Lover, the narrator shows powerful emotions towards Porphyria, which demonstrate his strong romantic feelings. The reader acknowledges that the narrator is passionately in love, as the following extract demonstrates.Too weak, for all her hearts endeavour,To set its struggling passion freeFrom pride, and vainer ties disseverAnd give herself to me forever.By contrast, the Duke in My La... ...all night long we have not stirredAnd yet God has not said a wordYou can compare this to My Last Duchess where again, the Duke shows no remorse for ordering the death of his wife.The modern reader is given an insight into the way relationships between men and women were viewed in the last century, and earlier, during the measure of the Renaissance. Without doubt, men had the dominant role, and women had little personal freedom. Women were duty-bound to show unquestioning respect for the men in their lives, regardless of how they were treated. In Porphyrias lover, Browning shows us the vision of a woman who is not followi ng this role model. In fact, she is completely the opposite, and as such, she is fulfilling the role of a male fantasy by winning a dominant role, with obvious sexual intentions. In the nineteenth century this would have had the dual effect of being both sensational and revolutionary.In the eyes of a modern reader, neither poem is particularly shocking, as people are more accustomed to material of a revealing nature. This shows that when reading and sympathy texts, the reader has to bear in mind the times and context in which they were written.
Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess by Robert Browning Essay -- Rober
Compare the two poems Porphyrias Lover and My locomote Duchess by Robert browning. What do they reveal about attitudes to wo workforce and relationships in the nineteenth century?Robert Browning was one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century. In 1842, he published Dramatic Lyrics which included the two poems Porphyrias Lover and My last(a) Duchess. In Porphyrias Lover Browning gives the reviewer a dramatic insight into the twisted mind of an abnormally possessive lover, who wishes the moment of love to determination forever. In this essay, Porphyrias Lover will be compared to Robert Brownings other dramatic monologue, My Last Duchess, where an Italian aristocrat reveals his cruelty to his late married woman whilst showing off a portrait of her to one of his guests.Robert Brownings poems Porphyrias Lover and My Last Duchess were both written in the form of a dramatic monologue. Both poems show a similarity because they are both narrated from the male lovers point of view. As a result, the reader becomes more(prenominal) closely involved in the poems and can feel very strong emotions for the individuals portrayed than if the poem was written from the eyes of an outsider. This form of writing enables Browning to use irony, in which the real meaning is concealed or contradicted by the literal meanings of the words. For example, in My Last Duchess the Duke orders the death of his wife, though hides the true meaning in his words Much the same smile? This grew I gave commandsThen all smiles stopped together. My Last Duchess is also written in the form of a ace stanza poem, which is the unit of a poem that consists of two or more lines of verse organised according to the content and form and usually repeated as a recurring pattern in the poem. By contrast, Porphyrias Lover does not follow this pattern, but has a different rhyming scheme. On the surface, the narrators in distributively poem show completely different characteristics. In Porphyrias Lover, the narrator shows powerful emotions towards Porphyria, which demonstrate his strong romantic feelings. The reader acknowledges that the narrator is stormily in love, as the following extract demonstrates.Too weak, for all her hearts endeavour,To set its struggling passion freeFrom pride, and vainer ties disseverAnd give herself to me forever.By contrast, the Duke in My La... ...all night long we have not stirredAnd yet God has not said a wordYou can compare this to My Last Duchess where again, the Duke shows no remorse for ordering the death of his wife.The modern reader is given an insight into the way relationships between men and women were viewed in the last century, and earlier, during the time of the Renaissance. Without doubt, men had the dominant role, and women had little personal freedom. Women were duty-bound to show unquestioning respect for the men in their lives, regardless of how they were treated. In Porphyrias lover, Browning shows us the passel of a woman who i s not following this role model. In fact, she is completely the opposite, and as such, she is fulfilling the role of a male fantasy by taking a dominant role, with obvious sexual intentions. In the nineteenth century this would have had the dual effect of being both sensational and revolutionary.In the eyes of a modern reader, neither poem is particularly shocking, as people are more accustomed to material of a revealing nature. This shows that when reading and understanding texts, the reader has to bear in mind the times and context in which they were written.
Loss and Bereavement Essay -- essays research papers fc
Loss and Bereavement The loss of some wholeness close can be a very frightful get word. When someone passes over to the other side, the multitude they leave behind are left grief-stricken. The process they go through is called bereavement or another word, people may use is called in mourning. This all depends on what beliefs the bereaved may have on dying. Different religions cope with mortality in different ways.The Buddhistic religion believes in recoronation ( vivification aft(prenominal) death) so when a person dies the Buddhists believe that the dearly departed will come back in another life form.So what is the meaning of bereavement? Bereavement is the emotion, which everybody goes through one time or another in their life time. When someone dies the bereaved will experience the stages of bereavement, whether it is a death of a pet, someone in their family or someone who is close.A death of a son or daughter is very heartbreaking, its one of the worst pain, a parent coul d ever go through in his or her entire life. Parents believe that they should out live their sons or daughters and when the child passes forward before they do it comes as a big shock. When a child dies, the parents are forever picking up the pieces for a long time after the death. As the years go by other people have less pain and appear to accept the death of the child where a parent will still feel the same hurt for the rest of their lives. There is always a place missing in their hearts and it cannot be action by anyone. These questions are still asked by the parents who have been bereaved through a child. Did I really have the child I lost or was I dreaming? Will all my memories start to deteriorate as time passes by? Am I going to wake up from this nightmare? When certain time of the year come round, e.g. birthdays of the deceased, mothers day, fathers day, Christmas and the anniversary of the day the deceased departed from this existence. At any of these times of the year it can be very agonizing for the parent of the deceased. It does not matter how long ago the child has been deceased for, the memories will always be there and the agony they went through at that particular time when their child passed over to the other side. Time is supposed to be a great therapist in situations like this. This is not always the case. The parent learns to live with the pain of losing a child. Some days are b... ...s, the person feels very dizzy. In the more than severe panic attack attacks the persons limbs go all stiff, they can pass out, then they could be rushed to a hospital. After a few years the panic attacks ware off. BibliographyDavies, R, Houghton, P, (1995) Mastering Psychology second edition Macmillan Press Ltd LondonDonnellan, C, Bereavement. Vol 41, Independence Education PublisherDunn, M, (2000) The Good Grief Guide Pathways/ How To Books OxfordGross, r, Mcileen,R, Coolican, H, Clamp, A, Russel, J, (2000) Psychology 2nd edition Hodder & StoughtonKu bler-Ross, E, (1983) On Children and Death Macmillan Publishing CompanyLevine,S, (1998) Who Dies Catways Books. Bathweb pageshttp// http//
Loss and Bereavement Essay -- essays research papers fc
Loss and Bereavement The loss of someone close can be a very painful experience. When someone passes over to the other side, the people they leave behind are left grief-stricken. The process they go through is called trial or another word, people may use is called in mourning. This all depends on what beliefs the bereaved may have on dying. Different religions cope with finis rate in different ways.The Buddhist religion believes in recoronation (life after death) so when a psyche dies the Buddhists believe that the dearly kaput(p) will come rear in another life form.So what is the meaning of bereavement? Bereavement is the emotion, which everybody goes through one time or another in their life time. When someone dies the bereaved will experience the stages of bereavement, whether it is a death of a pet, someone in their family or someone who is close.A death of a son or daughter is very heartbreaking, its one of the worst pain, a parent could ever go through in his or her ent ire life. Parents believe that they should out follow their sons or daughters and when the kid passes away before they do it comes as a big shock. When a child dies, the parents are forever picking up the pieces for a long time after the death. As the years go by other people have less pain and appear to accept the death of the child where a parent will still feel the same hurt for the rest of their lives. There is always a place missing in their hearts and it cannot be fulfilled by anyone. These questions are still asked by the parents who have been bereaved through a child. Did I really have the child I lost or was I dreaming? Will all my memories start to deteriorate as time passes by? Am I spill to wake up from this nightmare? When certain times of the year come round, e.g. birthdays of the decedent, mothers day, fathers day, Christmas and the anniversary of the day the deceased departed from this existence. At any of these times of the year it can be very agonizing for the parent of the deceased. It does not matter how long ago the child has been deceased for, the memories will always be there and the agony they went through at that particular time when their child passed over to the other side. Time is supposed to be a great healer in situations like this. This is not always the case. The parent learns to live with the pain of losing a child. Some days are b... ...s, the person feels very dizzy. In the more severe panic attacks the persons limbs go all stiff, they can pass out, then they could be rushed to a hospital. After a few years the panic attacks ware off. BibliographyDavies, R, Houghton, P, (1995) Mastering Psychology 2nd edition Macmillan Press Ltd LondonDonnellan, C, Bereavement. Vol 41, Independence Education PublisherDunn, M, (2000) The Good heartbreak Guide Pathways/ How To Books OxfordGross, r, Mcileen,R, Coolican, H, Clamp, A, Russel, J, (2000) Psychology 2nd edition Hodder & StoughtonKubler-Ross, E, (1983) On Children and Death Macmi llan Publishing CompanyLevine,S, (1998) Who Dies Catways Books. Bathweb pageshttp// http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
Dealing with a Disability in the Hospitality Industry
Dealing with Disability This report concentrates on the effects of dealing with a disability in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. There ar many ways how disabled bulk can be affected in this argona much(prenominal) as discrimination in employment, discrimination in being the customer, false ad and lack of support and facilities in the business. Whether its a mental disability such as dyslexic or a physical disability such as partially-sighted it can stupefy an effect on both.For many in the touristry and hospitality world disabled people means wheelchair users, its worth pointing out that the Disability Rights Commission estimates that wheelchair users represent less than five per cent of disabled people (about 450,000). The industry should also be aware that disability includes facial disfigurement, those who countenance allergies and the estimated wizard in seven people who have a mental health problem each year. Statics show Current estimates suggest that there are o ver nine one million million million disabled people in the UK, some 15% of the population or to more than the combined populations of Scotland and Wales.Associated essay Relationship Between Tourism and HospitalityThis figure includes 6. 5 million people of working age who have a current long-term disability or health problem, 8. 7 million people who are deaf or hard of hearing, an estimated 1. 8 million blind or partially-sighted people, 18,000 people who are regular Braille users and 400,000 people who have a learning disability. In one sense, the tourism and hospitality sectors are already catering for customers with a wide variety of disabilities but they often do this unwittingly, given the fact that many disabilities are not immediately obvious.There are many famous people that suffer with some sort of disability such as Ludwig Van Beethoven that suffers from deafness. Beethoven is widely regarded as one of the greatest composers in history. Christy Brown an Irish Author, Pa inter and Poet is another famous disabled person. He was disabled by cerebral palsy and was incapable for geezerhood of deliberate movement or speech. Many disabled people dont have as much confidence as a non-disabled people and this is where they forget about famous people who made it very far in life.Many disabled people find it hard to find the right fitting to suit their needs and find an accommodation with the right facilities for them. Many examples of the right facilities could include wheelchair ramps, wheelchair accessibility in the hotels public area (e. g. swimming pool and dine area), verbal announcements on the elevator, Handrails in bathrooms and width of doors etc. Some businesses in the hospitality industry that are lacking in this lose guests/customers without even noticing.False advertisement is also used here for example when hotels state that they have disabled or limited mobility facilities in brochures and online but they actually dont have these facilities in the hotel. DisabledGo is an award-winning disability organisation that provides online access guides. Its website is designed to help disabled people find what they are looking for e. g. hotels, restaurants, cinemas, tourist attractions and many more. Sites worry these can be a great help. Bibliography http//listverse. com/2010/01/18/top-10-extraordinary-people-with-disabilities/ http//www. disabledgo. com/
Beginnings of Democracy Essay
As time went by and sedentary conditions began to stabilize, the relations between the king, council and assembly changed as well. The council turn out to be more than resilient than the king and disputes on succession and opposition to a weak king did non help to improve the status of monarchy. It was imminent that the council whose members were supported by their dependents in the population would develop more power than the king. Although the position of king remained in most cities, its authority ultimately decreased, and the position itself became an elective post which was limited to a year.New positions were excessively required as the states began to increase its territories. On the another(prenominal) hand, powerful families would rely on their dependents for support, without which they could gain no favor from the council. Thus, in the Greek classical period, nett decisions were made by a majority vote on the public assembly. The assembly became the sovereign and we see the birth of democracy. The public assemblys sovereignty, however, was not won through a class struggle.Conflicts between powerful head of families were resolved through an appeal to their followers who attended the assembly. Perhaps because the leaders would pick out to keep the stability of the states, or perhaps it is preferable to settle disputes between citizens, most especially between powerful families, through diplomatic solutions, or more likely the fear of a threat of an appeal to a violent mob, that decisions were reached favoring whoever can amass a larger supporter. Hence, a family with more dependents would become politically dominant than one with lesser dependents.The rise of tyrants did not further improve the status of the king and council as sovereign of the states. Contrary to its modernized meaning, tyrants were not inevitably bad, as oppressors or unpopular rulers. These were challengers to the current power. Generally, this is the term applied to rulers who had no hereditary or legal claim to rule. They have gained such positions through the benefits they brought to the urban center or by having risen as champions of popular movements. The rule of tyrants, however, would soon be perceived negatively.Sealey explained that the public life in the classical Greek city was highly competitive, and when one competitor far outdistanced his rivals, they felt that they no longer had a fair chance they used the term tyrant to express their rebuke of his excessive preeminence (39). Peter John Rhodes held that the name and substance of politics was invented by the Greeks (3). He explained that the Greeks have the first society in which states were governed not at the whim of an all-powerful ruler but by citizens who took it in turn to rule and be ruled, in accordance with agreed constitutional procedures where insurance was decided not by intrigue in the court or bedchamber but by debate in the council and assembly (Rhodes 3). Aside from cit izens, thither were non-citizens and slaves who were owned by a citizen or the state. These allowed the citizens to devote time in politics. The reintroduction of the use of alphabet would also contribute to the rise of the public assembly as the sovereign of Greek states. Greek states, independently of each other, adopted an alphabet that seems of a Semitic origin.This alphabet would later prove to be characteristic of the Greeks as a nation. It made available the development of literature, of which was traditionally recited orally. The increase of literacy among the citizens would also allow them to demand that state laws be put in writing. Hence, we see a steady rise in power of the citizenry. Trade, state of war, and Alliances As population began to increase, the acquisition of new territories was a natural solution. Though some began to colonize other regions, it proved to be insufficient to provide homeland and to feed the growing population.Powerful states would look into in vading a weaker neighboring state. These inter-state warfare brought upon improvement in warfare. Warfare before 800 BC were very different from the wars the Greeks waged against each other, and later, in defense from Persian invasion, during the classical period, or which the armies were organized in a formation cognise as the array. As evidenced by the Homeric poems, Greek warfare in antiquity was carried out by relatively few leading warriors.These warriors would typically have a shield, a spear and a sword but had very little defensive armor. The warriors were also not organized in phalanx as each fought largely on his own. As a result, the battles tended to be a series of duels from warriors on each side. On the other hand, as peck perfected how to fashion iron, the Greeks were able to supply their army with armor. Moreover, the Greeks discovered that fighting in close formation was more efficient. The classical Greek army would lie of units called hoplites, which were hea vily armed with spears and swords.The defensive armor comprised of a plate corslet, greaves, a closed helmet, and a large round shield, called hoplon and from which the units name was derived. The phalanx was characterized by having the hoplites fight in close formation, in a series of rows, where the front row would be able to push the enemy off the field, with those shadower able to thrust their spears and added their weight into pushing the enemy. Such was the effectivity of the phanlanx that once a city had adopted it, others had to do likewise in order to survive.The city-states set in motion it convenient to establish various kinds of diplomatic relationship with others. Sparta, as an example, found itself unable to expand its territories further. It directed its attention to forming alliances with other city-states, some of which have other alliances in which Sparta was not included. At the end of the sixth century, Sparta was able to form what we now know as the Peloponnes ian partnership. On the other hand, Athens had founded the Delian league to liberate Greece from the Persians.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Good to be King
A question to consider when is it to be a King and it is not good? Answer when the people hose the individual, simply beau ideal has chosen someone else. Consider the time of Samuel when Israel desired a King. The Judges of Israel where no longer effective and Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. (Judges 21 reduce ESP.) Then all the elders gathered together and came to Samuel at Raman and said to him Appoint for us a king to judge us like the otherwise nations. (1 Samuel 84-5) God comforted Samuel by assuring him that it was not him, but God that they where rejecting.God therefore allowed Samuel to anoint the peoples choice in capital of Minnesota of the tribe of Benjamin. The people liked Saul, for he as tall and handsome. Basically, he looked good on the knocked out(p)side. Im not sure, but I think the phrase Dont judge a book by the cover may have applied to this situation. In Sails battle with the Philistines, chapter 13 of 1 Samuel, Sails army was heavily outnum bered and in retreat. While growing impatient waiting for Gods prophet Samuel, Saul decided himself to offer a burnt offering.This event was the final prideful character flaw of Saul, and Samuel pronounced, although the Lord would have established Sails kingdom over Israel, but instead his kingdom shall not continue. God said to Samuel L regret that have made Saul king, for he has turned back from following Me and has not performed My commandments (1 Sam. 151 la) Thus, the search for the next King the individual for someone with Gods own heart had begun. The Lord leads Samuel to Bethlehem and to the house of Jesse, son of Bed, grandson to Boas.Jesse brings forth his oldest son Elba, who intimately likely was tall and good looking like Saul. Samuel likes Elba, but is corrected by God, who says The Lord sees not as man sees man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart (1 Sam. 1 6 7) Jesse mutinous to bring forth all of his sons, until the youngest, who need s to be retrieved from the sheep fields, and only then is Samuel convinced that he has found Gods chosen one. David the shepherd boy is brought forward, anointed with oil, filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaimed, that he is Israels next true King.Davits first public appearance and proof of his ordination is found in the Valley of Ella with the Philistines champion named Goliath. To this very day, all things very large are labeled Goliath. After 40 years of what we call trash talking against Saul, his army and the very God hey serve, David steps up and accepts Goliath challenge. After shedding any form Of current fresh battle fatigues, David with his staff and five smooth stones from the brook, one stone for Goliath and four for anyone else who dared to came after.This amazing show of courage, by the way, is the kind of King Israel needs and fits the engagement God had stated before. After seeing what was sent forth, Goliath laughs again, yet David proceeds to verbally rebuke Goliath and proclaims the truth about the God of Israel world real and powerful. The Bible says that David used one stone and it sank into his forehead (1 Samuel 17ebb). I personally witnessed a baseball player get hit in the head during a high school baseball game, granted it was only 70 MPH, and the individual was using a regulated helmet, but I opine they suffered a concussion none the less.Goliath was killed with this smooth stone that penetrated through his military issued helmet. I also personally believe that if David shot the stone in the other direction, it still would have hit its target because it was Holy Spirit filled and on mission from God to show the world, especially those in Israel, whom God has anointed to be King and that no one gets away with fighting against Israel. Davits obedience to Gods commandments along with his devotion and heart for God not only established a bulky monarchy for Israel but an example for all other nations as well.And even though Davi ts sin with Batches and very poor parental skills (I. E. , with Abyssal) are recorded for our learning, the New testament scripture mentions David in the Hall of Faith as a positive role model Through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises Made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. (Hebrews 1 133-34) The next king following Davits death as his son Solomon who was granted an understanding foreland to govern the people.
All humans should be treated with respect Essay
In examining the religious teachings about the values of human sustenance using religious teachings it is easy to see that divinity thinks all human life equal regardless of race, gender or disability and encourages all his sheep ( pursuit of his, who he regards non as servants still as friends) to do so as well. This is proved in 1st Corinthians 7 18- 20 where it is said, Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not frame uncircumcised. Was a man uncircumcised when he was called? He should not be circumcised. Circumcision is nothing and uncircumcision is nothing.Keeping divinitys commands is what counts. Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them., the passage suggests that God c atomic number 18s not about the outward appearance or position of his followers only when their obedience to his command, regardless of what life they have lived or what they were before, it similarly supports the incident that God was depart ing to take converts and so did not make distinctions between the human race or await prejudice to those who were previously not his followers and had converted.The belief of equality for all of mankind is further supported by the intelligence which (Genesis 127) proclaims that all were do in the image of God and in that locationof bear a likelihood to him regardless of any differences we might show. This theory is known as imago dei and is whizz sh atomic number 18d by the three Abrahamic devotions it is thought that our likeliness to God means all human life should be treated with respect and dignity. (Matthew 543-38) Ye have heard it that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour and shun thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to those that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you. This passage states that Christians should bear hate to no one even those who wish harm unto them and in stead pray for them and still show love to them regardless suggesting that Christians should have compassionate and exquisite attitudes towards all individuals.This belief of equality, understanding and acceptance no matter the past or social standing of the person is present in nigh separate religions such as Islam, Judaism and Buddhism and now-days most religions atomic number 18 known to visit jails (where sinners perplex) trying to convert the evil and lost (sinners)so that they may repent and instead be puzzle children of God an example of key converts is Charles Colson who was part of the Watergate Seven, he was arrested and pleaded guilty to Watergate related charges and the obstruction of justice before being sentenced for 1-2 years in prison.While in prison Colson converted to Christianity and when released started Prison Fellowship a national ministry that helps prisoners to convert to Christianity, it is said that this program has helped prisoners live a bette r life and streng hence their tactile sensation. Quakers a faction derived from Christianity hope there is that of God in everybody, meaning that no one is more important than anyone else as they are all made in Gods image by God, however even within this organisation people still have to take charge and apportion certain responsibilities to others meaning they become leaders and therefore more important that everyone else, suggestion that they are not equal to everyone else as they are worth more. in that location are two main Christian views on the truth of other religions The exclusive view (mainly funda custodytalists) who like Christians in the past believe all non-Christians are not doing what is everyplacecompensate and therefore will be condemned to Hell unless converted. Fundamentalist try to convert others to Christianity through the means of evangelism etc. becoming missionaries. This is because of their literal interpretations of the parole, believe in John 318 which states, whoever does not believe in him (Jesus) stands condemned already, fundamentalists do not only just extend this view towards non-believers but also to Jews who do not believe in Jesus as the son of God citing John 146 in which Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except though me.This view contrasts with the Inclusive view where Christianity is believed to be superior to other religions (or port more truth) but doesnt require conversion only adhering to the right attitude to be saved from hell. While inclusive Christians might try forms of evangelism such as becoming missionaries, they are generally more understanding of others, this means umpteen of them become involved with charities such as Tearfund or Christian charge as a way to help others and also convince them (without words) that Christianity holds the truth and the right way. They use quotes like There are many rooms in my Fathers house as a way of suggesting thatthere are antithetical ways to get to heaven and variant paths one idler take, as long as one follows the right way. It can be argued that inclusive Christians more than exclusive/fundamentalist really follow the teachings of the discussion, they more than exclusive Christians can be argued to love thy neighbour and therefore treat others the way theyd like to be treated.The bible teaches that Jesus treated foreigners very well, he healed a roman centurions son and later had dinner with Zaccheus, a hated tax collector for the Romans, suggesting that he did exactly what he preached, love the enemy and treated everyone well, this behaviour is also reflected in the parable of the good Samaritan where a man(a Jew) is robbed and lies naked, hurt and poor on the road a priest and leaders of other religions pass him by and ignore him, the only person who stops and helps him, even paying for his treatment is a Samaritan, people who were hated by Jews and who in turn hated them. This parable , not only shows foreigners in a good light but also promotes the teaching of loving thy enemy.In Galatians 3, the bible once again reinforces that God loves all of public unconditionally regardless of Gender or race, proclaiming There is no difference between Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, phallic nor pistillate, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. supporting Acts 10 in declaring that God does not favour a specific group of humanity or show favouritism but or else accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right. Some critics however argue that these teachings are presented as only favouring those who believe in Christ and therefore making an outsider of those who do not fear him and do what God proclaims to be right and almost exempting them from the rules and teachings he lays down to his followers, presenting the argument of does religion treat non-believers equally? The fact that there are many different sects of Christianity had led to many different views about the treatment of others, with the term others representing dull, non-whole bodied(disabled), homo hinge uponuals etc. as well as extending to different cultures and religions not just non-believers.Walter Laqueur a man of Jewish faith, believes that sex is historically and culturally variable, with the modern idea of two separate sexes representing a shift away from the longer-established view that there is a single malesex, of which the female is an inferior manifestation, he believes these developments have led to a society which believes that both men and women should occupy and negotiate a range of different positions within the instauration instead of living in a patriarchy where women do not have a main role in religion.This view is opposed by many other religions, Catholics for example believe that women can have a role in church, but cannot be priests because of the fact that Jesus was a man, and he chose all 12 of his disciples to be men. Catholics also interpret S t Pauls teachings in timothy 2 which suggest that women should have no allowance over men as being correct, A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man she must be silent. Taking the view that Adam was formed first, then Eve and Adam was not the one deceived it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.. Some fundamentalist believe that men and women are equal before God but still have different roles in life meaning women shouldnt be offered equal opportunities in everything including religion claiming that the womens main job should be as a home-maker looking after the children not being in positions of leadership in the church. The church building of England however is against this interpretation and believes that women can be priests. They believe that we are all equal in Gods eyes, and also that Jesus had many women followers. Mary and others have been named in the Bible at epochal points in Jesus life, and there are books in the Bible named after women. They use quotes such as There is neither male nor female, you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3) to support their reasoning.Some black theologians claim that religion has always been bias to the albumen man and therefore racist and oppressing to black people. They argue that this has created a divide between white God and black God. Only in 1985 did the Church of England announce the Church should make dummy for and include black Christians fully, this was almost a centuries after the license of Black people as slaves and many years after black sackful had occurred ( officially).However while many Christians like Pope John Paul, who condemned the fact that Christians had contributed to the slave trade, finally got Black people some equality some sects of Christianity such as the Southern Baptists in USA up until 1900, the Dutch Reformed Church inSouth Africa until 1980 and many Christians in the 16th, 17th a nd 18th ascorbic acid believed that certain races were inferior and could be treated as either 2nd class citizens or slaves because of two Bible verses Genesis 918-27 which states that the descendants of Noahs third son (Ham who is thought to be black by many Christians) will be cursed and be the slaves of his second son Japheth(thought to be white by many) and Ephesians 65 which states Slaves obey your masters -a verse that some Christians thought meant that it was fine to have inferior races and slaves.There is also the question of disability in religion with old-age Christians and Buddhism accept it was a punishment for evil deeds/sin (or bad karma in past lives). This viewpoint however has changed in new-made times whereas being disabled was once viewed as being an imperfect version of an able bodied person, a description that suggests that disabled people are of less value than an able bodied person, recent views believe in Aristotle interpretation, that physical defects do not prevent a person from actualising their potential as a human being because the essence of being human does not rest on purely physical abilities a viewpoint which a philanthropy called Larche founded by a Christian recognises. Aristotle point further illustrates a verse of the bible which proclaims that we are all born of sin, which supports that no one is perfect- were all flawed one way or another(prenominal) and therefore are in one way or another disabled.Islam is considered an classless religion meaning one that is pro-equality. There is an argument made by several Muslim Women scholars such as Al-Hibri who argues that the situation of women globally is too composite plant and contradictory for one comprehensive critique, saying that in some nations Muslim women experience horrendous forms of violence and oppression, often under the label of Islam whereas in another nation Muslim women may occupy positions of power in significant social and political institution als o due to Islam.Many argue that whilst there are many practices contrary to womens rights which are done in the name of Islam, the reality is that there is no basis in Islam for them. Others make the important point that there are many factors at work which have allowed such oppressive practices to continue, such as the existence of patriarchal cultures that are oftenconfused with religious belief or the existence of authoritarian regimes that deny more than just womens claiming undemocratic regimes have denied human rights to their citizens, and attempted to lay the blame on the doorstep of religion suggesting that it is not religion that is unequal, but those who practise it.It can be argued that the term equality has different meanings in different situations you cant be equal to all people through one measure because everyone has different conditions that must be met etc. you cant feed a Muslim the same way youd choose a Hindu, you couldnt offer a Muslim a pig as it would cause trouble due to the offer being interpreted as an insult, this however doesnt mean you cant treat persons of both religion the same with kindness and compassion regardless of their religion. This has led to many arguing that the solution is not just treating everyone equally (as equality suggests same treatment) but rather introducing tolerance and acceptance. They believe that conversion in religions isnt something that should occur forcefully but instead something that should be gently approached through the means of missionaries (in religions such as Jehovah witnesses and Mormons) for example.However some religions have a zero tolerance on those they consider outsiders, this include Zionism and its treatment of the Palestinians and some Jewish sects which refused to take into the societies they lived in (Ashkenazic Jews), preferring to stay outsiders because they believe the Torah forbids mixing with gentiles due to their interpretation of Avoda Zara 36b which states You shall n ot intermarry with them you shall not give your miss to his son and you shall not take his daughter for your son for he will cause your child to turn away from Me and they will worship the gods of others. Many Christians (and some Jews) thoroughly disagree with this verse with Christians believing it is directed ad them and painting them as immoral idolaters and some Jews believing the passage to contradicting (with the rest of the Torah) and too brief to be fully understood. This raises the argument among theologians that the bible and other holy books are too contradicting, confusing and sometimes too lacking of Context to be fully interpreted and rather, the teachings should not be interpreted at face value but rather, used to regulate but not to set iron cast laws .However there are many contradicting verses in the bible which suggest otherwise.Islam states O mankind We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one anothe r. Verily, the most ethical of you with God is the most pious.Verily, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (4913) about the difference within human beings, suggesting that they are deliberate and diversity is Gods gift to humankind.Judaism, Christianity and IslamThe founder of Quakers, George slybootsbut instead of seeking primarily to convert, the upmost goal is to establish the principles of Christianity in others lives etc. love, humility and compassion.And the Quran which states I shall not lose sight of the churn of any of you who labours in My way, be it man or woman each of you is equal to the other (3195)The Quran states For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who curb their chastity, and for men and women who engage muc h in Gods praise,- for them has God prepared forgiveness and great reward. (3335) suggesting that everyone, not just Muslim men and women will get the reward as long as they are humble and adhere to Muslim practises even if they do not adopt the religionThe most beloved and respected historical Christian thinkers and theologicans are amongst those who believe the role of women in religion should be subdued with John Crysostom considering the female sex as weakand fickle ,Augustine claims Satans reasoning for deceiving Eve was because he was making his assault upon the weaker part of that human alliance eand Epiphanius declaring that the female sex is advantageously mistaken, fallible, and poor in intelligence even Martin Luther King supports this argument stating it was not Adam who went astray 265).an idea that men systematically dominate, oppress and exploit women I many believe that a patriachical state doesnt and didnt ever exist and instead we have just been living in a world dominated by a complex set of differences ethnic, racial, gendered, class hierarchy and not just gender.In this generation, although there are many verses in the bible to suggest that women should have and did have a very important and immensely valuable role in founding and shaping Christianity.For man did not come from woman, but woman from man neither was man created for woman, but woman for manIn the Lord,however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God (New International Version, 1 Corinthians 111-38-911-12).1 Corinthians 14 says, Women should remain silent in churches which many interpret as saying- women shouldnt be in positions of leadership in the church.Proverbs 31 implies the place of a woman is at home She watches over the affairs of her householdBut women will be saved through childbearing-if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety(New Inte rnational Version, 1 Timothy 211-15).This is known as Christian egalitarian. The opposing view is Complementarianism.Although, when the decision was made to allow Women into the church in 1992, many people left the Church of England as a result and converted to Catholics. This shows that there still isnt equality in Religions such as Christianity as while some may be for the inclusion of women, the one who arent may simply join a different fraction and practise their anti-feminist in religion perspectives there. This supports the view that freedom in religion is in conflict with notions of gender equality.A prominent Muslim mother to an autistic child once wrote to a follower who also had an autistic child As with typically-developing children, every special-needs child has his or her own personality, temperament, strengths, and abilities. Every child has his or her God-given potential. This is from the mercy of Allah and one of the signs of His strength that He created such divers ity among human beings. We should rejoice in the creative power of Allah and accept His qadr, or decree, for us. I believe that Allah created disabilities so those of us who are able-bodied would not become complacent and ungrateful. Taking care of a child with a disability brings out the best and most compassionate in all of us. So many of the things that parents of typically-developing children take for granted, we have to fight and struggle for. I think this helps us draw closer to the All-Merciful, the Forbearant, and the Loving.This supports the view that all human life is ineffable and must be treated with the rights given to it in the Sharia and that no one has the right to take the life of another except according to Gods command. It also gives way to an argument that could claim moral worth of a person does not depend on birth, gender, race or wealth or whether or not a person is disabled.Class background, as well as the degree and severity of impairment, ethnicity, sex, s exuality and age can decline or modify the experience of disability (Vernon, 1999394)Many may argue that this isnt a religion however most agree that it is a ramification of Judaism if a very distant branch.Different from Sephardim (who chose to assimilate into the nations they moved to and Mizrahi Jews who also assimilated into the nations they found themselves in.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Hollywood and Marketing: Understanding the Appeal of Jaws Essay
The success of Jaws may mainly be attributed to the interconnected presence of various genres and themes end-to-end the film, hence significantly increasing the range of its prospective audience. For one, aside from being basically a thriller, the presence of an enormous chisel as a severe entity would of course highlight themes on nature similar to documentaries.Furthermore, there is the crime genre, encompassing the theme of conspiracy, is partly embodied by the film as rise to explain, the Mayor who governs over the beach disregards every warning about the safety of the people in a straightforward manner, mainly pointing out economic reasons in defense of such a stance. Action is also present and evident throughout the film, especially during its final scenes.While still incomparable to films which are truly categorized under the action genre in terms of fights and explosions, it could definitely be argued that the final scene wherein the three main protagonists battle the sh ark which ends with the sharks demise initiates a similar adrenaline rush for the viewers. In relation to such points, it is also important to emphasize the fact that the film is very Hollywoods adaptation of a highly successful book of the same name.Achieving a considerable appeal to the mainstream audience as well as to different types of viewers ensures success in terms of marketability (Wyatt 22). Jaws has such appeal, as the presence of the abovementioned themes and genres prove. For one, those interested with nature would be enthralled by the thought of ceremony a film focused on a great white shark. Also, self-proclaimed critics on the realism of such films would watch the movie to give their comments.On a more specific note, mature audiences would in turn be attracted to the film as it would satisfy their need for identifying deeper aspects and meanings such as corruption. Younger moviegoers would instead appraise the thrilling and action packed sequences in the movie. In deed, as old wizards may be shown in a manner resembling classical comic book heroes to discover a better appeal to such viewers (Thompson 51), the three main protagonists of Jaws have similarly been presented due to their antics in the last few scenes of the film.Those who have learn the book, possibly being a considerably large crowd, would predictably watch the movie as well. Without a doubt, Jaws achieved a universal appeal among moviegoers which ensured its marketability and success. Works Cited Spielberg, Steven, dir. Jaws. Zanuck/ dark-brown Productions, 1975. Film. Wyatt, Justin. High Concept Movies and Marketing in Hollywood. Austin, TX University of Texas Press, 1994. Print. Thompson, Kristin. Fantasy, Franchises, and Frodo Baggins The Lord of the Rings and Modern Hollywood. Velvet Light Trap A Critical Journal of Film and telecasting 52 (2003) 45 63. Print.
Black dog of fate Essay
The Book unforgiving Dog of Fate by Peter Balakian is a memoir by the Ar handsian genocide survivors descendants that lived in the get together States of America and it was written in the suburbs of Tenafly, New Jersey, where the author grew up. The author tries to relate his personal history and happenings in his family to the general story of the Armenians. It is the story of a young mans realization of his background and the huge massacres that occurred to the Armenians in Turkey. It is the history of the killing of about genius and half million Armenians by the Ottoman Turkish government in 1915 (Balakian, 1997). These series of killings is regarded as the twentieth centurys first genocide.The name Black dog of fate is about the parable that was narrated to the author by his grandmother Nafina Aroosian. In the parable, there were two offerings that were made to the goddess of fate. The first offering is a naughty lamb that had its body filled with almonds and pomegranates and its warmheartednesss sparkled with rubies, while the other offering is a dead black dog that had its mouth filled with wormy apple. In a twist of fate, the lamb is rejected and the dead black dog is accepted by the goddess. As Nafina puts it to Peter that he should not be deceived by appearances and that the world is not what people think it is (Balakian, 1997).Peter balakian was one of the members of the Balakian-Aroosian family and the oldest in his generation. His family had secretly guarded the history of their past for so long. They guarded this secret as they had horrific memories of their past in their heads as they knew if they delved into their pasts the gory details of their traumatic experiences in the hands of their persecutors would haunt them. The memory of the brutal murder of lots of their relatives was not a topic that was suitable for discussion as they looked to erase the tragic event from their memories.It narrates the ordeal of the Armenians in the hands of th e Turks. The Armenians were subjected to various forms of inhumane conditions. Their ladies were raped and their men were butchered. The Armenians were gruesomely murdered in their thousands day after day and their carcasses were left to the vultures to feast upon. The Turks robbed them off their belongings and really impoverished them.The book exposes the societal evils perpetrated by the Turks on the Armenians. The Turkish government tries to cover up these horrific crimes as they denied the existence of the genocide.Balakian lets us into his family line as we are introduced to the matriarchs, a bishop, merchants, physicians, his aunts and two celebrated figures in the world of literature. The names of his renowned aunts are Anna and Nona Balakian, who distinguished themselves in the field of literature. His two other aunts are Gladys and Lucille, who were business women on Wall Street. except out of all these characters, the most important of them is his grandmother, one of the survivors of the genocide, whose experience was dreadful as she lost her husband to the genocide.The book teaches us survival instincts in the center of obstacles and it narrates a familys sojourn from a horrific past into a better life and a new world. It represents the experience of an immigrant child in the unify States of America while still retaining ones cultural heritage. It tells us how the authors relatives escaped the genocide and ended up in the United States of America.One of the remarkable quotations in the novel that makes the novel a notable one as recognized by the New York Times Book freshen is simply quoted In all of this germ madness there seemed to be some mystifyinger, more pervasive anxiety being expressed. Some pathological upkeep that I sensed in my grandmother when she hovered over me, incessantly brushing her hand over my hair and asking me, How are you, what can I do for you, are you OK? Eench, eench, eench. What, what, what For my grandparents and p arents generation, perhaps the world was a place conspiring to kill you. After the Genocide, the fear of death was different from the fear of mortality. In this atmosphere of deep anxiety, our family was far from the optimistic mood of suburbia. As my grandmother said to me as I lay on my bed recovering from the measles, Sleep with one eye open know the evil eye. (Balakian, 1997). Another powerful excerpt is in the latter page of the book and it is quoted as Free speech does not stock-purchase warrant the deniers the right to be treated as the other side of a legitimate debate when there is no other side. (Balakian, 1997).As the persecutions was against the Armenian Christians by the Turkish Muslims, the holocausts in the World War II era draws inspiration from it as it foreshadowed the mind-sets of the German army. The World War I killings of the millions of Armenians by the Ottoman Turks served as a justification to the holocausts of the World War II era. The holocaust was a peri od of mass murder of the Jews during the Second World War. During the holocausts, Hitler made several references to the serial publication killings of the Armenians as he justified their extermination. On the latter part of the book, Peter Balakian observes the mind-set of the German army towards the Armenians which foreshadows the pains they would later inflict on the European Jews in the Second World War (Balakian, 1997). As the Germans considered the Armenians as threats to the Turks so also were the Jews considered as threats to the establishment of the superiority of the Germans.In the concluding pages of the book, Balakian requests for the acceptance by the Turkish government of the Armenian genocide, a fact they had previously denied its existence. He also requests for an apology by the Turkish government and a consequential pardon from the Armenians.ReferenceBalakian, P. (1997). Black Dog of Fate . New York Harper Collins Publishers.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Essay: ââ¬Åto the Young Women of Malolosââ¬Â
Essay To the Young Women of Malolos by Dr. Jose Rizal The issues tackled in the report of Rizal entitled The Young Women of Malolos are the inequality between men and women, thraldom done by the Spaniards because of ignorance, fraud religious beliefs brought by the friars, the role of aims in the family, tyranny of some because of the cowardice and indifference on the part of others, unreligious acts of the friars towards the Filipinos, education not given to other Filipinos by the Spaniards, and lastly, the abuse of the Spaniards because of the hospitality of the Filipinos.Rizals letter to the Malolos young women is his way of recognition for them as brave Filipinas who are no longer blinded by the fraud religious beliefs brought by the friars. Under his letter he mentioned some our own license as individual human beings that we must have our own judgment of what is right and wrong. As a young lady, soon to be a mother of her sons and daughters would set as an example to her children. As the saying goes, a fruit would grow the same as of its tree. Women are fragile and can be substantially influenced because of ignorance and lacked of knowledge of her rights.The friars took advantage of the kindness and meekness of this youth and brag about it with its fellow Spaniards. If only the Filipinas were like the women of Spartan who have power over their men, perchance no one would dare to touched or harassed a woman. Rizal wanted to make his people open their eyes and to avoid ignorance of freedom. Ignorance is the cause of slavery during their time and this is what we must not let to happen again. He did not want its people to live without a religious belief but he besides wants them apprehend not to be deceived by the exploitations done by the friars under their robes.The teachings made must be put into action not just in words. To the Women of Malolos centers around five salient points (Zaide &Zaide, 1999) First, Filipino mothers should teach their chil dren love of God, country and fellowmen. Second, Filipino mothers should be glad and honored, like Spartan mothers, to offer their sons in defense of their country. Third, Filipino women should know how to protect their dignity and honor. Lastly, Filipino women should educate themselves aside from retaining their good racial values.Faith is not merely reciting prayers and wearing religious pictures. It is backing the real Christian way with good morals and manners. In recent times, it seems that these qualities are gradually lost in the way Filipino women conduct themselves. in that respect are oftentimes where mothers forget their roles in rearing their children because of the overriding idea of having to earn for the family to supplement their husbands income. Although there is nothing negative about working hard for the welfare of the family, there must always be balance in the way people go through life.Failure in the station cannot be compensated for by any amount of wealth or fame. Rizal stipulates a number of important points in this portion of his letter to the young women of Malolos. The exchange idea here, however, is that whatever a mother shows to her children is what the children will become also. If the mother is always kissing the hand of the friars in submission, then her children will grow up to be sycophants and mindless fools who do nothing but do as they are told, even if the very nature of the task would violate their rights as individuals.In this writing of Rizal, it is obvious that his ultimate desire is to have women the same opportunity men received in terms of education. During those days young girls was not sent to schooltime because of the universal notion that they would soon be only taken as wives and stay only at home with the children. But Rizal emphasizes on freedom of mentation and right for education that both girls and boys should have. He had also shown to this letter all about that Spaniards friars.He cited, God gave each individual reason and a will of his or her own to distinguish the just from the unjust all were natural without shackles and free, and nobody has a right to subjugate the will and the spirit of another. We are all born equal, naked and without bonds. God did not create man to be a slave of others. A man who does not think for himself and allowed him to be guided by the thought of another is like the beast led by a halter. God give us intelligence that we may use against this lavery of others. We must be dignified, have faith on him and work together as one. Citations http//www. oppapers. com/essays/Young-Women-Of-Malolos/389462 http//bookstove. com/book-talk/to-the-young-women-of-malolos-concise-summary-and-critical-analysis/ http//www. mb. com. ph/articles/235667/rizal-to-my-young-countrywomen-malolos http//www. studymode. com/essays/Young-Women-Of-Malolos-389462. html? topic http//www. studymode. com/essays/To-The-Young-Women-Of-Malolos-1099089. html? topic
The Iks
The Iks by Lewis Thomas In the essay The Iks, author Lewis Thomas tells the story about the small ethnic music of hunters in Uganda who had to struggle to live with others after they were forced by the government to give up their living and working area and move to the poor hills and live farthermers. Because of this, the Iks did not know how to live together, and they made from each one others lives very miserable. The individual Ik was selfish and heartless and cared for no one but himself.They didnt share things with each other and found gratification in the others misfortunes. They even went as far as to let their children go on their own and take food from the elders. To make things worse, an anthropologist, who hated the Iks, decided to study them for two years to write a book about them. Thomas impression the behavior of the Iks was unmoral and animalistic. He then went on to say that he now sees their behavior as being similar to small groups such(prenominal) as a gang and large groups such as cities and nations.I find that Thomas likeness of the Iks behavior to some small groups to be unreasonable, whereas I can see the similarities in the midst of their behavior and that of larger groups like cities and nations. I didnt think the comparison of the Iks behavior and that of all small groups was accurate. Now, I have seen some small groups, such as gangs, express the same type of selfish and heartless behavior as Iks, like when they kill innocent people as an initiation and their joy when another gang is broken up.But I have also seen some small groups, such as social clubs, come together to raise gold for other organizations and to supply needs to needy communities. Therefore, I cant see the comparison of all small groups as being fair. As for the comparison of the Iks and larger groups, such as cities, I can agree with that to a certain extent. I could never forget what happened in this city on venerable 29, 2005. Our families, homes, jobs an d schools was taken from us. The city decided to save one part of the city, and flooded out the poor part.Sure there was help from other cities and nations, but the help plainly went to certain areas of the city. The poor areas was left to fend for themselves, and that caused those citizens to make their own laws and they became very defensive and offensive to each other during this time. They broke into the neighbors homes and stole whatever was saved and they actually raped the women who was stranded with them. There was elderly people who was dead in there for days and no one knew because they was too busy try to stay alive.So I can agree with the comparison of the Iks and larger cities after being put in a bad situation. I wonder what it would be like if we was put in a situation like the Iks again? Would we be able to get along in order to help each other out of the bind were in, or would we carry on like selfish, savage beasts and destroy the little that we have? Although I can read Thomas point about all humans having the ability to act out like the Iks did, I think that we have come so far in our society that we would not want to act like that, because we know that behaving in such a manner will not help us make the situation better.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Positioning and Communication
A large proportion of overweight people have been trying to lose their weight in both possible way. However, not every attempt was successful. Due to that, the pharmaceutical industry has been developing and testing a large variety of medicines that are specifically do to help people with weight issues. One of the newest drugs on the market is Metabical, a prescription drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals (CSP). Based on the results from clinical trials, Metabical has been proved effective for weight loss of overweight people.The question is how willMetabicalbe introduced to the market? PULL MARKETING The main idea was to advertise Metabical directly to consumers in order to accession the awareness of the product. This strategy was based on pull marketing where the purpose was to reap the customers and make them approach the supplier or seller tlrst It is not an bumptious way ot marketing in comparison to push marketing where a seller calls potential customers on the telephone asking whether they would like to purchase a product they might not actually need.In 1997, the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has reduced restrictions on direct-to-consumer-advertising concerning drugs. Therefore, the effect of the pull marketing was tremendously positive for the pharmaceutical industry. (Buckley 2003). It is in addition visible in a study made by Prevention magazine, where doctors whose patients came and asked for a medicine that they had previously seen being advertised, had the tendency to prescribe that same grass of medicine (even though they had different alternatives in mind). Following pull marketing, the strategy included advertisements on the internet, television and radio.Moreover, print media was being distributed at the same season as the drug was being launched. This distributionwas continued in the same manner throughoutthe first year of the campaign in order to maintain the brand awareness on a high level. After the initial a dvertisement strategy, additional 100 000 health care pamphlets were distributed. These pamphletscontained a reply card which, if sent, would provide the transmitter with a sample of the product. The goal behind this campaign was to show the potential customers that Metabical is suitable for people belonging to the BMI range of 25-30.Body Mass index (BMI) is the most everyday index used for comparing weight and height. The calculations resents whether the weight is appropriate for the persons height. If the weight is not appropriate,the person can fall in the group of overweight or underfed (Tim J Cole 2000). As mentioned in the article, an abundanceof weight loss pills were made for obese or severely obese people. However, the group of people with the BMI ranging from 25-30 were not suitable for these pillswhich, consequently, did not have any effect on their weight loss.Additionally, CPS has developed a support programme which will not lonesome(prenominal) help in weight reduct ion but also help maintaining the healthy lifestyle. One of their key concepts in the campaign was Losing weight is tough. You dont have to do it alone. Let Metabical and your health care provider start you on the road to a healthy weight and better life. Regarding the support programme, Printup has developed an online contest to attract more customers to buy theproduct and participate in the contest to win a prize. In this contest each user can Join in and get by with other users in reducing BMIs by the highest percentage.Not only Printup was making advertisements for consumers, she also developed a strategy to target medical community where advertisements were placed on online edical websites and also printed out in well-known medical Journals. Several events were organized especially for medical experts prior to the product launch, one of which was a roundtable discussion. In order to spread the word of the discussion, coverage of this event was done by leading news organizatio ns.
Statistical Package For Social Sciences Education Essay
This chapter shall show the information ga at that placed in the study and interview conducted by the research worker. The quantitative consequences equanimous netherg angiotensin converting enzyme assorted statistical trials through the usage of Statistical Package for Social Sciences ( SPSS ) . The soft informations obtained from the interviews were discussed and analysed in relation to the bing literature.Cronbach s AlphaNormally, the Cronbach s Alpha reliableness coefficient ranges between 0-1. However, there is no existent bound for the coefficient. The closer Cronbach s alpha coefficient is to 1.0 the greater the internal consistence of the maneuvers in the graduated prorogue. establish upon the expression _ = rk / 1 + ( k -1 ) R where K is the figure of arrests considered and R is the mean of the inter-item correlativities the size of alpha is determined by both the figure of points in the graduated table and the honest inter-item correlativities. George and Mallery ( 2003 ) provide the undermentioned regulations of pollex _ & gt .9 Excellent, _ & gt .8 Good, _ & gt .7 Acceptable, _ & gt .6 interrogatoryable, _ & gt .5 Poor, and_ & lt .5 Unacceptable .In the instance of the obtained informations, the dependability coefficient is.887 which indicates good dependability coefficient. While increasing the value of alpha is partly restricted upon the figure of points in the graduated table, it should be noted that this has decreasing returns. It should in like manner be noted that an alpha of.8 is likely a sensible end. It should besides be noted that while a high value for Cronbach s alpha indicates good internal consistence of the points in the graduated table, it does non intend that the graduated table is unidimensional. The dimensionality of the graduated table can be computed utilizing the factor analysis which will be discussed in the following subdivision.Factor abridgmentThe method followed here was to inaugural analyze the initial responses of the participants with a position to choosing a subset of features that might act upon farther responses. Then, study responses were analysed at the point phase, utilizing figures, tabular arraies, or text consummately, to furnish a first feeling.These point degree responses were scrutinised for underlying forms via factor analytic processs ( Note that all processs reported here utilise SPSS ) . A requirement for including an point was that responses were non excessively severely skewed ( i.e. , 90 % or more of responses clustered in individual cell ) and that more by and large, the degree of response to that point was non deficient ( & lt 15-20 % ) to destabilize analysis. The factors identified in this manner correspond to the primary subjects or latent variables to which letter writers seem to be reacting in footings of assorted cerebrate points.The protocol adopted here for factor analysis was to utilize default scenes ab initio ( Principal Axis Factor PAF ) and to revolve the matrix of burdens to obtain impudent ( independent ) factors ( Varimax rotary motion ) . The premier end of factor analysis is to individuality simple ( points loadings & gt 0.30 on merely one factor ) that atomic number 18 explainable, presuming that points argon factorable ( The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin step of trying adequateness trials whether the partial correlativities among variables atomic number 18 little. Bartlett s trial of sphericalness trials whether the correlativity matrix is an individuality matrix, bespeaking that the factor theoretical card is inappropriate ) .Once clearly defined and explainable factors had been identified ( Factor loadings = & gt .10 were illustrated via an included tabular array even though merely point burdens & gt 0.30 were considered germane(predicate) to factor burdens ) , and responses related to these factors were saved in the signifier of factor tonss. These Bartlett factor tonss are tantamount to sub-scale or s cale tonss with agencies of nothing and standard divergences of one ( z-scores ) , and with participants credited with separate tonss in relation to each identified factor.A Principal Axis Factor ( PAF ) with a Varimax ( extraneous ) rotary motion of 22 of the 24 Likert scale inquiries from this study questionnaire was conducted on informations gathered from 20 participants. An scrutiny of the Kaiser-Meyer Olkin step of trying adequateness suggested that the sample was factorable ( KMO=.698 ) .Descriptive StatisticssThe descriptive statistics computed the mean, standard divergence, and the discrepancy of in between constituents of the variable presented. Table 1 shows the sum-up of the said calculation. The calculation revealed that it has -3.439 random effects on the variables.Table 1 Summary of Descriptive Statistics deliberation of VariablesNitrogenMeanStd. DeviationStd. Mistake95 % Confidence Interval for MeanMinimumMaximumBetween- Component DiscrepancyLower Boundary hurrying Bound75385.005.2923.05571.8698.14798976288.50.707.50082.1594.85888977189.00....898978182.00....828279187.00....878780189.00....898982194.00....949483188.00....888884190.00....909085487.75.957.47986.2389.27878986180.00....808087485.755.9652.98376.2695.24779088189.00....898989489.252.0621.03185.9792.53879290381.679.0745.23959.13104.21759292187.00....8787Entire3086.774.614.84285.0488.497594 stupefyFixed Effectss4.953.90484.8388.71Random Effectss.904a84.84a88.69a-3.439An other(a) high spot of the descriptive statistics is the frequences of the evaluations achieved by the kindergartners. Tables 2 and 3 summarize the frequence.Table 2 Summary of Preschoolers Rating Frequency forwards Portfolio AssessmentFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative PercentageValid7539.710.010.07626.56.716.77713.23.320.07813.23.323.37913.23.326.78013.23.330.08213.23.333.38313.23.336.78413.23.340.085412.913.353.38613.23.356.787412.913.370.08813.23.373.389412.913.386.79039.710.096.79213.23.3100.0Entire3 096.8100.0MissingSystem13.2Entire31100.0Table 4 Summary of Preschoolers Rating Frequency after Portfolio AssessmentFrequencyPercentageValid PercentageAccumulative PercentageValid7513.23.33.37713.23.36.77813.23.310.07913.23.313.38013.23.316.78213.23.320.087722.623.343.38839.710.053.389929.030.083.39026.56.790.09226.56.796.79413.23.3100.0Entire3096.8100.0MissingSystem13.2Entire31100.0One Way Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA )One manner Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) is done with the dependant variable which is the practice session engenderment of the kindergartners with the independent variable which is the portfolio appraisal.The computed F value for the tonss of the kindergartners is.745 which is greater value of significance which is.711. This show a important consequence of the portfolio appraisal in the addition of eruditeness of the kindergartners based on a 0.05 degree of significance.Discussion of QuestionnairesQuestion 1 What are the things that can actuate kids to be intere sted in reading? ground on the gathered consequences near of the kids are motivated to be interested in reading by agencies of the ocular artworks that accompany the stuffs. Besides, the kids are motivated based on the learning synopsis of the instructors during the talks. Another relevant factor in the kids s involvement is the wages system being given if they are making great in their several(prenominal) work.Question 2 In your observation, about how long does it take for kindergartners to accomplish entire reading development?Based on the consequences gathered, most kindergartners achieve entire reading development in about six months. This is in close coordination of instructors every bit good as the parents in practising their kids. However, there are kindergartners that develop their full reading ability in about a twelvemonth. Assorted factors affect this such as the kid s involvement, sum of coordination and monitoring of parents among others.Question 3 Based on your exp erience, what is the feedback that you get from pupils when they are making their portfolios?Based on the consequences gathered, the common feedback that pupils have with respects to their portfolios is that it s really interesting and they aim it really utile towards the betterment. However there are pupils that are happening the portfolio really hard and finds it as a challenge.Question 4 What differences do you sight in the span of clip of reading development activities where portfolios are involved and those that are non?Based on the collected consequences, the major difference observed in the underdeveloped activities of the pupils under the portfolio is that their comprehension has been improved. Besides, their involvement towards reading has been improved. Although there are pupils that does nt look to do a difference towards their reading attitude and wonts.Those pupils that are non under the portfolio did non do any difference with respects to their reading attitude and wonts prior to the behold.Question 5 Do you believe the responses to these portfolios depend on the group of kids that are being taught?Based on the gathered information from the instructors, the assorted responses of the kids on the portfolios being taught depends upon the age group of the kids. This was observed by the instructors with older pupils that develop their involvements and reading attitudes significantly. On the other manus, younger pupils under the portfolio does nt look to develop every bit much involvement as that of the older 1s.Question 6 Based on your master experience, does a portfolio appraisal consequence accurately reflect the degree of reading development of a kid?Based on the consequences gathered from the professional experience of the instructors, the portfolio appraisal can reflect the accurate degree of the kid s reading development. As per Chen and Martin ( 2000 ) portfolio appraisal makes usage of beaming standards that are indexs of success. Port folio appraisal is an efficient tool for finding a pupil s learning degree and degree of betterment. Portfolio appraisal besides encourages student- takeer interaction and thus encourages interactive larning utilizing diverse instructional methods. Numerous surveies ( Chen & A Martin Colley & A Walker, 2003 ) demonstrated that portfolio appraisal can be helpful in bring oning acquisition, funnily in reading ( Afferblach, 2007 Hillmer & A Holmes, 2007 ) .Question 7 Describe the extent to which you believe the usage of portfolios in the schoolroom has improved reading direction.The instructors interviewed in the survey believed that the extent of the betterment in the reading direction by agencies of the portfolios are important. Portfolios can supply grounds that pupils have met criterions that a assortment of learning techniques are used in the schoolroom, and that pupils are actively engaged in larning ( Damiani, 2004 ) . Portfolios can assist instructors assist pupils real istically appraise themselves by supplying specific qualitative ends and forms that avoid vagueness, unrealistic positive or negative self-evaluation, either-or thought ( the work is either good or bad ) , or perfectionism ( Damiani ) .Question 8 Based on your experience, should the usage of these portfolios be implemented in all schools that teach preschool kids?Based on the response of the instructors, they believe that the execution of the usage of portfolios in schools that teach preschool kids is in topographic point. Student portfolios can besides function as theoretical accounts for instructors to develop their ain portfolios to demo their professional development. A instructor s professional portfolio could include a statement of learning doctrine videotapes of successful categories, course of study stuffs developed class course of study sample lesson programs professional development ends and aims, professional development seminars, categories, or workshops attended a rticles published pupil ratings acknowledgment awards or certifications professional associations, and principal s and supervisor s ratings ( Attinello, Lare, & A Waters, 2006 ) .Question 9 What betterments can you propose for the betterments of these portfolios?Most of the instructors suggestions sing the betterment of the portfolios are the customization of the portfolios into assorted reading ability degree. Portfolio-based appraisal is one option to standardize assessment methods and is believed to offer more authority as an appraisal method ( Miholic & A Moss, 2001 King, Patterson, & A Stolle, 2008 ) . While attacks involved in this method differ, they have in common digests of the work activities of pupils, besides known as the pupil portfolio ( Au, Raphael, & A Mooney, 2008 Berryman & A Russell, 2001 Hillmer & A Holmes, 2007 ) . This aggregation shows the attempts exerted by pupils and their personal academic development and accomplishment. include in the aggrega tion are indicants of the engagement of pupils in choice of contents, standards for choice and judging virtues, and confirmations of the pupil s self-reflection ( Miholic & A Moss Hillmer & A Holmes, 2007 ) . The portfolio is intended to incarnate a digest of the plants or attempts by pupils considered as their best that is, pupils personal choices of their sample work activities and of import paperss that pertain to accomplishments and advancement ( Lynch & A Struewing, 2001 Hope, 2005 ) .Question 10 What other stairss or processs do you urge to back up portfolio appraisal of kindergartners?The most common recommendation based on the instructors responses is the portfolio should be customized depending on the degree of reading ability of the pupils. In some attacks, instructors normally scan through the portfolio and measure the work with mention to a hiting usher. In some instances, pupils or their schoolmates would besides rate their plants. A acquisition record is so p repared by the instructor, which shows the concluding mark with affiliated confirmations such as a sample bear witness ( Lynch & A Struewing, 2001 Hillmer & A Holmes, 2007 Hope, 2005 ) .DecisionChapter 4 is the presentation of the consequences, analysis and treatment of the informations gathered from the respondents of this survey. The quantitative informations gathered were analysed utilizing the statistical trials Cronbach s Alpha for dependability of the information gathered Factor Analysis for the scrutiny of the initial responses of the respondents and One Way Analysis of Variance ( ANOVA ) for the dependant and independent variables. On the other manus, the qualitative informations were discussed in relation to the bing literature sing the topic of the survey.The computed informations revealed that there s a important consequence of the portfolio appraisal in the addition of acquisition of the kindergartners based on a 0.05 degree of significance.
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